Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Event organization, animation of scientific community

  • Aspect-oriented Software Association (AOSA): Mario Südholt has been the chair of this international organization (headquarted in California) since 2011

  • COST Action: Jean-Marc Menaud is a management committee member of the European COST Action IC0804: Energy efficiency in large scale distributed systems from 2009 to 2013.

  • Grid'5000 Winter School. A. Lèbre has been the general chair of the 5th edition of the Grid'5000 winter school organized by EMN, the LINA laboratory and Inria in Nantes, December 3-6 2012 (70 attendees). https://www.grid5000.fr/mediawiki/index.php/Grid5000:School2012 .

  • OW2: Jean-Marc Menaud has been a member of the OW2 board committee since 2010.

  • COMIN Labs laboratory of Excellence: Jean-Marc Menaud has been the co-coordinator of the focus on Energy and resource efficiency in ICT since Jun. 2011. Mario Südholt has been co-coordinating the Security focus of COMIN Labs.

  • Enterprise Information Systems in the Cloud. M. Südholt has been part of the organization committee of this event organized by the Images&Networking competitivity cluster in Sep, 2012. He has also given an invited lecture there on the foundations of the Cloud.

  • Eco-conception of software. J.-M. Menaud co-organized the first event on Eco-conception des logiciels in Nantes, and an event on Efficacité énergétique : comment monitorer et quels sont les impacts sur les applications ? in Lyons.

  • Software Product Line series of events. J.-C. Royer started a steering committee for the Journée lignes de produits logiciels, which took place in Lille, November 6, http://www.jldp.org/2012

Committee participations, reviewing activities, collective duties, etc.

  • P. Cointe:  He is the head of the LINA computer science laboratory (UMR 6241)http://www.lina.univ-nantes.fr/ . As such he was involved in the CominLabs (labex) proposal.

    He is a member of the board of the Doctoral School MATISSE in Rennes as well as the selection and evaluation committee and the board of the cluster Images & Réseaux. He is the chair of the STIC-MATHS committee working for the Pays de la Loire Council (CCRRDT) and the PRES L'UNAM.

  • A. Lèbre has been the program chair of the 6th international workshop on “Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing” (VTDC 2012) co-located with HPDC 2012 in Delft, the Netherlands. He also was a member of the program committee of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing (CGC 2012). He also took part to several reviewing processes for the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Journal, the Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience Journal, the French journal Technique des Sciences Informatiques and has been involved as external reviewers for the ISPA, the ICPADS and the Europar conferences.

  • T. Ledoux was a member of the program committees of the following conferences: 3rd International Workshop on Green and Cloud Management (GCM'12), 11th International Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM'12), Second International Conference on ICT as Key Technology against Global Warming (ICT- GLOW'12), 28th Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC'13) - track Software Engineering Aspects of Green Computing.

    He is a member of the board of the Regional Doctoral School STIM. He is a member of the board of the Follow-up committee of the PhD theses at LINA.

  • J.-M. Menaud has served on the program committee of the 7th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC'12), the first International Workshop on Cloud and Grid Interoperability (Cloud&Grid 2012), the IEEE/ACM Inter. Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom2012), the Eighth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT 2012), the Second International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies (ENERGY 2012), the first International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2012), the second International Conference on ICT as Key Technology against Global Warming (ICT-GLoW 2012), the first Workshop on Collaborative and Autonomic Green computing (CAGing 2012) and the French Conference NOuvelles Technologies de la REpartition (NOTERE'12). He was a reviewer for the International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking (COMNET), the International Journal of the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, and the International Journal on Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.

    J.-M. Menaud is a management committee member of the european COST Action IC0804 : Energy efficiency in large scale distributed systems since 2009, the co-animator of the focus Energy and resource efficiency in ICT, in the Labex COMIN Labs since June 2011, the animator of the CNRS/GDR ASR System group since June 2009, member of the OW2 board committee from 2010 and a member of the (RenPar/CFSE/Sympa) steering committee since 2008.

  • J. Noyé co-organized the 7th international workshop on “Domain-Specific Aspect Languages” (DSAL 2012) co-located with AOSD 2012 in Potsdam, Germany.

  • J-C. Royer: He is a member of the editorial board of the journal TSI. He was a member of the program committee of CAL 2012 and CIEL 2012 and did reviews for the SPLC conference, and the RNTI and SoSym journals.

  • M. Südholt is the chair of the international associtation of AOSD. He is a member of the steering committees of the international conferences AOSD and Software composition. He is also a member of the editorial board of the international journal “Transactions of AOSD”, which is published by Springer Verlag.

    He was a member of the program committes of the international conferences GPCE'12 and AOSD'12 as well as of 2 international and 2 national workshops.

    He is a member of the council of the Laboratoire Informatique de Nantes Atlantique (LINA, UMR 6241). He also serves on the selection and evaluation committee of the competitiveness cluster Images & Réseaux. Finally, he is a member of the governing board of AOSD-Europe, the European Network of Excellence in AOSD.